Do's and Don’ts : After a Hip Replacement - Dr. Shailendra Patil Vashi

The rules and regulations may be diverse relying upon what sort of careful system your primary care physician utilized. Your PCP and physical advisor can give you a particular rundown to recall. These safety measures are really standard to keep your new hip from disengaging and to help with a fast and careful recuperation.


  • Keep your worked leg looking ahead. 
  • Ensure your worked leg is before you as you sit or stand. 
  • Use seats that are sufficiently high that your knee is lower than your hip when twisted. 
  • Use ice to decrease expanding. 
  • Go through warmth before practicing to warm the muscles for 15-20 minutes. This will assist you with having better development. 
  • Lessen the measure of activity you do on the off chance that you are in torment however keep on remaining dynamic and resume your activities at the earliest opportunity. 
  • Get some information about safe rest positions. 
  • Point of confinement the measure of weight you convey. 


  • Fold your legs for six to about two months. 
  • Enable your knees to sit higher than your hips. 
  • Lean forward while sitting, particularly to lift something up off the floor. 
  • Turn your foot in or out when you twist down. 
  • Curve at the midriff past 90 degrees. 
  • Contort your hips.
Hip Replacement is very risky. Hip Replacement surgeon in Mulund - Dr. Shailendra Patil is the best option for people who have hip problems.


  1. Thankyou for posting this
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